1. What is your favorite kind of pie?
Hard to choose between apple and pumpkin!
2. Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?
No, I'm too nervous to let it happen.
3. How many languages do you speak?
Just English.
4. Do you take daily vitamins?
I HAVE them; taking them everyday doesn't happen. Although I do make sure I take my B12 daily since I need the energy.
5. What is your worst eating habit?
Probably not eating as much as I should every day - some days I just snack a little throughout the day and then maybe eat a little dinner. So why can't I lose weight?!
I found out today that my story, "Reclaiming Halloween," placed Honorable Mention in the Necon E-Books monthly flash fiction contest! I'd love for you to go read it!
I have been asked by a friend who is a reporter for our local newspaper to cover a story at my girls' old elementary school next week. I've never done that before! I'm nervous, but hopefully up to the challenge. Sounds like it will be fun.
I'm also going to be a guest blogger on someone else's blog in a couple weeks; I'll provide more details as I get them. I'm looking forward to this.
Fun stuff coming up!
Very cool story. I could see it completely, and it would be a wonderful start to a novel. Really, how wouldn't that hook someone? Starting with something like that. Anyway, nice job and good luck with your writing.
Hi, I am a new follower from Java's Hop. Congrats on returning to you writing passion.
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