Friday, January 7, 2011

I Was Not a Loser Today - Unfortunately

Today was my first Weight Watchers weigh-in since I joined last Friday.  I didn't lose weight!  But I didn't gain, either, so that was good.  Even though I went to my first meeting last Friday, I didn't start the plan until Sunday.  I did stick to it religiously and will continue to stick with it, so hopefully I'll start seeing results by my next weigh-in.

I got a new toy a couple days ago!


A 2011 Ford Fusion - I. LOVE. IT.

The van needed repairs and maintenance which would've been more than the van was worth, plus we didn't want to put more money into a crappy vehicle.  I haven't driven a car in  six or seven years, but I'm loving it.  It's so much fun to drive.

I didn't give up on the daily blog challenge, but I haven't been inspired by the topics by the past couple of days.  Plus I've been busy.  Still trying not to have a lot of time between posts, though.